Religion & Spirituality

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Kehilat Mussar’s daily practice of a Jewish, mindful, spiritual discipline called Mussar
Become successful and happy in life through the best of life inspiration and inspiring Bible verses and lessons.
We are all in, or should be in, a constant state of "Becoming", 24/ 7/ 365.
Journey to Success
this blog tries to bridge the gap between Islam and non-muslims through brief but true articles
This site was created in june 2020 and is not commercial project.
Inspirational messages from the Holy Bible and personal walk with God that transform lives and restore hope.
Spiritual and psychic experiences, science, politics, history, culture
My blog is focused on the energetic work I am doing with my work partner to free this planet.
This blog is a collection of sermons, reflections, book reviews, travel, poetry, and outdoor posts