A note about WordAds Earnings

Cash-dollarsI believe there is a real enhancement in WordAds revenue. I usually receive around $3 a month. This month, October’s earnings were around $14.

I noticed an increase in traffic to my blog. However, I think this was supported by better ads performance comparing to the earlier situation. Moreover, it seems that WordPress is displaying more ads from Google AdSense program.

Please refer to my previous post: Do you display ads on your blog?

What about you, have you noticed increasing in your ads revenue?

52 thoughts on “A note about WordAds Earnings”

  1. I realize that I am shooting myself in the foot, but I don’t want to advertise on my blog. I get really annoyed with so much chaos going on that I can’t read the post I have chosen to read. There is great money in it or it wouldn’t be so popular but I have been known to stop reading when a video ad interrupts me. Even on facebook posts now. A five minute video has a 30 second commercial. Call me old fashioned call me broke but I don’t like all the commercials.

    • I understand your point Darlene. It’s a valid point. On WordPress, ads are on three places that aren’t disturbing your reading experience. I also did my best to optimize it even more on my blog. Unfortunately, other sites and those on WP.org are neglecting this important point. Ads should be reasonable and not disturbing… Yet I have concern regarding privacy, I might advise using Adblock extensions on your browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, …)

      • Thank you for understanding. I tutor an older friend of mine who called me to work on his computer. He thought something was wrong with his computer or browser because he had all this stuff everywhere that he didn’t used to have. I had to explain about all the extra ads in everything. I can try Adblock. Thanks. But if you block the ads can you still read the original information?

      • You’re most welcome. Adblocker extension on Firefox or Chrome is smart enough to give you a clean screen. It’s not healthy though to have too many extensions especially if you don’t use them

  2. Hi sir! I just upgraded my blog to personal plan about 2 weeks ago. after that I instantly appy for wordads and they approve mine and run the ads within 5days (on Jan 30, 2018). I was delighted cos I thought I will finally gain something from my hard work. But I notice ever since I upgrade and insert ads, my traffic decrease.. 🙁 I usually get an average of 1000 views per day. But recently (3 days straight) my blog only achive about 600+ views per day. I am extremely curious about this. It happens after I upgrade/have ads. Actually before I upgrade, having unstable traffic on my blog is normal and I know the reason — can be due to no post update or the content is not popular.. Still..the lowest I get was about 900+ view per day. Recently I notice even when I post something, or when I believe the content is popular, it’s hardly increase… I thought when I get rid of the ‘wordpress’ on my domain, my post will easily reach the audience… I wonder if upgrade or/and insert ads cause my traffic to decrease.. Or is this just me being paranoid? is this just coincidence? fyi, I did not change anything on my blog. I just upgrade to personal plan and have wordads. No new theme or new layout or anything. I try to find the answer on the internet but I couldn’t find one. Hope you can enlighten me about this. Thank you 🙂

    • Honestly, you might need Google Analytics to really understand the change behavior on your website which is very expensive on WordPress.com. WordPress general statistics give some hints but not full details. Word Ads have some impact on site’s performance but things are better lately. Domain name itself could affect (based on the provider and the setup which is usually well taken care by WordPress). Don’t forget that as a premium user, you can chat with WordPress support about your concern. However, I’ll try to check more into this and get back to you if i found any update.

      • Google analytics? First time hear about this sorry i’m not a tech person ^^; anyway do you mean upgrade/wordads are unlikely the reason for such behaviour? It’s quite frustrating to see my stats dropping day by day. Even today only have about 300+.. 🙁 If those two are not the cause, at least I know the problem lies on my post.. Yes I know about the live chat but I couldn’t find it! i end up here and thought I might ask you whom seems pro at this. Haha Thank you so much for your time 🙂

      • I also have doubt they effect my traffic, but the timing for the significant drop is align with the upgrade and wordads run. that’s why i’m very curious.. thank you so so much for entertaining me. I’ll check your post. By the way I just chat with the engineer and they ask me to wait for a few more days if it’s still an issue. 🙂

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