A dominant or dominated?!

This is my first time I share in WP one-word prompt contest. I thought of many words related to “dominant“.

leather whip

I thought of a lady wearing leather and holding a whip in her hand – I don’t talk about sex.
I thought of a country forcing its rules or economy over others – I don’t discuss politics.
I thought of a company controls our data and becoming our big brother – I don’t mean Google.
I thought of media – I don’t assume they are liars.

I thought of bad behaviors or social activities dominating our lives. I thought of drugs, wars, poverty, hostility, greed, …

I thought of many things, but I apologize that I couldn’t write about anything here! 😉

23 thoughts on “A dominant or dominated?!”

  1. I’m doing a prequel short story to a main character in my JET series, I’ve come up against a similar challenge. I’m a creative. It’s not my fault that a woman walked into a bar, eyed my hero on his grad night, and welll, accosted him in the parking lot with an extremely unnerving sensual statement! I’ve stopped writing. Have no idea what to do with that,, I think I’ll write a blog…
    Love this!


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